What I Do

My primary focus is the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR) technique. This therapeutic approach involves slow, gentle stretching that penetrates deeply into the fascial system, effectively alleviating pain and releasing restrictions.

While our sessions may target specific areas, MFR can be applied throughout the body. Additionally, this technique can enhance collaboration with Chiropractors and Physical Therapists, and it supports improved performance in activities such as Yoga and Pilates.

Why Work With Me

I am committed to treating each client as a unique individual, recognizing that patterns of discomfort vary from person to person. As a Myofascial Release therapist, I am trained to identify and address these “holding patterns” to uncover the root causes of pain and discomfort. Often, the site of pain is not the source of the issue.

My goal is to reveal these patterns for every individual I have the privilege of working with. I am deeply passionate about Myofascial Release because I have witnessed its effectiveness. I take pride in my ability to be a problem solver for my clients, tailoring my approach to meet their specific needs.

Individual Massages
  • 90 Minutes *$150
  • 60 Minutes$100
* 90 Minute Massages are recommended for all new clients.